MRI Diagnostic Scan

What is an MRI Diagnostic Scan?

MRI diagnostic scans are used to aid in the diagnosis and management of specific health conditions. These exams are ordered by your physician. The protocols used are tailored specifically to the body part being imaged. This will provide the Radiologist with the information required to provide an accurate and detailed report.


Understanding the Cost of Your
MRI Diagnostic Scan

At Radiology Associates, we strive to provide transparent and straightforward pricing for our diagnostic MRI services to help you plan your healthcare expenses effectively. Here’s a breakdown of our pricing structure for MRI Diagnostic Scans:

Base Price for a Single Body Part:

The cost for an MRI scan of a single body part starts at $725. This includes a comprehensive scan of one specific area, such as the knee, brain, or spine.

Additional Imaging:

If more detailed images or multiple areas need to be examined, each additional area scanned will cost $450. This allows for a thorough evaluation of related areas or complex conditions.

Contrast Enhancement:

For some scans, a contrast agent may be necessary to provide additional information for the Radiologist. The use of a contrast agent incurs an additional fee of $250. Contrast can be crucial for more accurately diagnosing certain conditions as it improves the visibility of certain structures.

It’s important to note that the use of contrast and the necessity for additional images depend on the specifics of your case. These decisions are made by the Radiologist to ensure the highest quality and most diagnostic value from your MRI scan.


Choosing U3T MRI Centre for your diagnostic needs means selecting a facility that prioritizes not only cutting-edge technology but also patient comfort and personalized care. Here are several reasons why U3T is the preferred choice for your MRI needs:

  • Advanced Technology: Our centre is equipped with a powerful 3 Tesla (3T) MRI machine, which offers twice the magnetic strength of most standard MRI machines. This state-of-the-art technology provides exceptionally clear and detailed images, enhancing diagnostic accuracy.
  • Comfortable Exam Experience: We understand that undergoing an MRI can be stressful, which is why we’ve designed our facility to maximize patient comfort. Our large bore MRI machine offers a more open feeling, reducing the sense of confinement and easing anxiety, particularly for patients who may feel claustrophobic.
  • Flexible Scheduling: We offer flexible exam times to accommodate your busy schedule, ensuring that getting your MRI scan is as convenient as possible.
  • Prompt Results: We ensure prompt reporting of your results to your physician. Quick turnaround times for test results mean faster answers and quicker steps towards your treatment plan.
  • Complimentary Image CD: Each patient receives a complimentary CD of their images. This allows you and your healthcare providers easy access to your scan results, facilitating discussions and follow-up treatments.
  • Highly Trained Technologists: Our team of technologists is highly trained, providing not only technical expertise but also compassionate care during your exam. They are dedicated to making your experience as comfortable and stress-free as possible.
  • Professional Environment: At U3T MRI Centre, we pride ourselves on maintaining a professional exam environment. Every aspect of your visit is managed with the utmost care and attention to detail, ensuring a smooth and positive experience.

When you choose U3T MRI Centre, you’re not just getting a diagnostic or screening procedure; you’re receiving comprehensive care tailored to your needs in a supportive environment. Let us be your partner in health, providing the advanced diagnostics and compassionate care you deserve.

An MRI, or Magnetic Resonance Imaging, is a diagnostic tool that uses a powerful magnetic field and radio waves to generate detailed images of the organs and tissues inside the body. It does not involve ionizing radiation, which is used in x-rays and CT scans.

A 3T MRI is an advanced imaging tool that operates with a magnetic field strength of three Tesla, which is twice the strength of the more common 1.5 Tesla machines. This higher field strength allows for clearer and more detailed images.

The 3T MRI provides higher resolution images, which can be crucial in diagnosing and assessing fine details that are critical in neurological cases, small bone injuries, and soft tissue structures in the musculoskeletal system. The enhanced clarity helps doctors diagnose with more accuracy and can reduce the need for repeat scans.

Examinations typically take about 20 to 60 minutes, consisting of several scans lasting 2 to 5 minutes each. You will be asked to remove any metallic objects including your eyeglasses, watch, jewelry, removable dental appliances, hearing aids, and any glucose monitoring system. For your safety, you will be asked to change into our provided attire. The technologist will position you comfortably on a cushioned table, then move the table into the space in the centre of the magnet. He or she is in contact with you visually and with an intercom. During the scanning procedure, you will hear a knocking and humming sound for several minutes at a time. Other than the sound, the MRI usually causes minimal bodily sensation. You need to lie as still as possible throughout the scan, as any movement could blur the image. When the exam is done, the technologist will help you off the table.

Understanding that some patients may experience claustrophobia during an MRI scan, our facility is designed to enhance comfort and reduce anxiety. Our MRI system features spacious patient access, enhanced airflow, ambient lighting, and a contemporary design to create a more relaxing environment. For scans targeting lower extremities such as the knees, ankles, or feet, patients are positioned so that only the necessary part enters the magnet, allowing the head and upper body to remain outside, which can help alleviate feelings of confinement.

If concerns about claustrophobia persist, we recommend discussing the possibility of a mild sedative with your doctor. This approach has proven effective for many patients, helping them feel more at ease during the scan.

A MRI scan is a painless procedure. Some patients might feel uncomfortable lying still.

The duration of a MRI scan can vary depending on the part of the body being examined but generally lasts between 20 to 60 minutes.

Not everyone is a candidate for a MRI scan. The procedure’s strong magnetic field can pose risks if you have certain types of metal inside your body. Items that may prevent you from having a MRI include pacemakers, neuro-stimulators, certain intracranial aneurysm clips, implanted drug infusion pumps, and any foreign metallic objects in the eye that have not been removed by a physician.

If you have worked with metal, such as in sheet metal work or machining, or if you have had a metallic injury that was not medically addressed, you will need an X-ray to check for residual metal fragments before a MRI can be safely performed. Given that the magnetic field affects the entire body, a complete understanding of your medical history is essential to ensure your safety during the scan.

Some extended health plans may cover all, or a portion of, these costs. Please check your plan for details. Some employers, disability insurers (Workers Compensation) and third party payers may cover the costs of the MRI examination for you. Payment is to be made at the time of the examination. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Debit and cash – we do not accept personal cheques.

There are no after-effects from a MRI scan. If you receive a sedative from your doctor for the scan, you will need someone to drive you home. Otherwise, you can resume normal activities as soon as the scan is over. Your scans are read by a Radiologist who will issue a report to your referring physician and/or family doctor. U3T can also send the report to yourself and any other health care professional you require.